According to a report, 94 percent of first impressions are based on design. This means that if a website has a lot of clutter or confuses the audience, they may not have a good opinion of the brand or business. Startups and small businesses need to focus on adding web design elements that improve user experience. In the end, this could attract higher traffic and boost brand recognition as well. If your website is not generating the desired results, you can always consider revamping or redesigning it.
In case you are looking to launch an eCommerce business, it’s a good idea to get an insight into elements that draw attention to the products and reflect brand values. Here are a few signs that could tell you that you need help with web design.
Few Visual Brand Elements
This is one of the first signs that you should watch out for. The website gives people an insight into a business and helps them identify the products or services. It’s an important part of the branding strategy that represents the core values or mission closely. So you need to incorporate visual elements such as font styles, typography, and images that help build a recognizable identity. If the web design does not convey the brand message clearly, then it’s a sign you need help with it.
Consider making a few changes or revamping the website to establish a visual hierarchy. This way you can engage people from the first look and make it easier for them to purchase a product before leaving too.
Mobile Optimisation
It’s another factor that could show that you need help with web design. Most websites today are optimized for smartphones and tablets. Before launching your digital platform, you should run tests and check if it’s optimized for mobile. In case you are finding it difficult to attract younger consumers, it’s a good idea to compress large visuals and remove clutter from all the pages. When designing a brand symbol, make sure that it is versatile and visible in different sizes.
For example, when designing a boutique logo you should have a variation for the website and as a favicon too. This could help you increase the responsiveness of the platform.
Less Visibility on Google
Due to the rising competition in the digital world, businesses need to focus on increasing the ranking of their websites in search engine results. You should track the organic traffic that the platform attracts to get an insight into daily visitors and reach. One of the signs you need help with web design is low visibility in search engine result pages. Include relevant keywords that are popular in your industry or niche and optimize images for Google.
High Bounce Rate
This means that people are leaving the page quickly. If visitors do not stay on the website for a long time, you might need to make a few changes. Use tools such as Google Analytics to get an insight into the preferences or interests of your target audience. This could help you improve the design to reduce the bounce rate on the website.
Slow Loading Speed
In this day and age, consumers expect a website to load within seconds. A slow one could be one of the signs you need help with web design. Revamp the platform and compress the images so they can load quickly on various devices. Get feedback from a focus group or team members to assess the loading speed of the website.
Not Updated
When people browse through websites, they are looking for the latest news and information. If the content on landing pages or the home page is not being updated regularly, you may lose out on potential customers. Make sure that the website is up to date and has elements of the new trends too.
Fewer Conversions
The conversion rate can tell you whether the website and business are growing or not. You can use different tools to keep track of conversions and sales. In case, they are not meeting the set goals, you will need to improve the web design and user experience. Simplify the navigation or increase product photos on landing pages to help visitors make quick decisions.
Long Checkout
This is another element of web design that might need to be changed. If you are looking for signs you need help with web design, just follow the checkout process on the website. Most people avoid giving a lot of information or filling out a long form. Keep the checkout simple and brief so visitors can easily make their payments and complete the journey.
Complex Navigation
Websites that are confusing or have a lot of clutter could lose out on visitors and conversions. One of the elements of web design that you should revamp is navigation. Create a minimalist layout that has a bar or menu which easily directs people to the relevant pages.
To Sum Up
These are some of the signs you need help with web design. If you are looking to redesign your website or launch a new platform, then it’s a good idea to pay attention to them. In the end, you will be able to create a website that grows with time and represents your brand accurately as well.
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