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Fight Procrastination Day: Conquer Website-Related Tasks

Procrastination – a word that plagues many of us in this digital age. With the internet at our fingertips, it’s easy to get distracted and put off important tasks. However, there’s a day dedicated to tackling this productivity killer head-on #FightProcrastinationDay! We know that website housekeeping can be a chore so we encourage you to use this take to tackle those niggly tasks, and introduce you to the “Swallow the Frog” method, a technique used we use at Sixtwo to boost productivity.

What is #FightProcrastinationDay?

#FightProcrastinationDay is an annual reminder, celebrated on September 6th, to confront procrastination and regain control over our time and tasks. It’s a day when individuals, businesses, and organisations around the world come together to raise awareness about the effects of procrastination and share strategies to overcome it.

Procrastination often finds its way into our lives through various tasks, one area where it frequently lurks is website housekeeping. Whether you’re a business owner, a freelancer, a content creator, or simply someone managing their online presence, these tasks can quickly pile up. So, let’s explore how to tackle them effectively.

Conquering Website-Related Tasks

Prioritise Your Tasks: Start by creating a list of all your tasks. Prioritise them based on urgency and importance. Use to-do lists or project management like Scoro, Trello or Salesforce software to keep track of your tasks.

  1. Clear Media Library Clutter: Over time, media files like images and videos can accumulate in your library. Take some time to review and delete any unused or unnecessary files. You might be shocked how many duplicate images you find. This task will help free up server space and therefore save money.
  2. Archive Old Content: If you have a blog or news section, outdated articles can clutter your website and impact its relevancy. Archive or update old content to maintain a fresh and valuable user experience. This will help the speed of your website and server space.
  3. Check Meta Data: Review and optimise meta titles and descriptions for each page. Meta data plays a crucial role in search engine rankings and click-through rates.
  4. Update Plugins and Themes: Outdated plugins and themes can lead to security vulnerabilities and performance issues. Regularly update them to ensure your website’s stability and security.
  5. Review Broken Links: Broken links can harm user experience and SEO. Use tools to identify and fix broken links across your website.
  6. Optimise Images: Large image files can slow down your website’s loading speed. Compress and resize images to improve performance without compromising quality.
  7. Mobile Responsiveness Check: With the rise of mobile browsing, ensuring your website looks and functions well on various devices is essential. Test your website’s mobile responsiveness.
  8. Backup Your Website: Regular backups are a safety net in case of data loss or website crashes. Set up automated backups to secure your content.
  9. Update Contact Information: If your contact details have changed, update them across your website. Inaccurate contact information can frustrate users.
  10. Review and Update About Page: Your About page is often one of the most visited sections. Make sure it reflects accurate and up-to-date information about your brand, team, and mission.
  11. Check Loading Speed: Slow-loading websites can drive visitors away. Use tools to assess your website’s loading speed and take steps to improve it.
  12. Security Audit: Regularly review your website’s security measures. Update passwords, consider implementing two-factor authentication, and ensure your SSL certificate is active.
  13. Social Media Links: Verify that your social media links are working correctly and direct users to the right profiles. Also check that you are using the correct icon as Social media channels like to update their branding. Outdated logos can make your website like outdated.
  14. Update Copyright Notices: Keep your copyright notices up to date in the footer of your website. This small detail showcases your website’s maintenance.
  15. Review Analytics: Analyse website traffic, user behaviour, and conversion rates. Use insights to refine your content and design strategies. This should be a task that is carried out regularly to help business decisions. we recommend monthly reporting to help you see your website performance.
  16. Enhance Call-to-Actions (CTAs): If your CTAs are outdated or ineffective, update them to encourage user engagement, such as signing up for newsletters or making purchases.
  17. Check Forms: Test all forms on your website, such as contact forms and subscription forms, to ensure they’re working correctly and capturing data accurately.
  18. Content Review: Go through your content for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and outdated information. High-quality content boosts credibility.
  19. SEO Audit: Periodically assess your website’s SEO performance. Identify opportunities to optimise content, keywords, and metadata for better search rankings.
  20. User Experience (UX) Evaluation: Put yourself in the shoes of your visitors. Evaluate the overall user experience, including navigation, layout, and readability.


Now, let’s dive into the “Swallow the Frog” method that Sixtwo employs to combat procrastination.

The Swallow the Frog Method

The “Swallow the Frog” method is a productivity technique popularised by Brian Tracy in his book “Eat That Frog!” The concept is simple: tackle your most challenging and important task first thing in the morning, just as you would find swallowing a live frog in the morning to be the most challenging thing you could do all day. By doing this, you set a productive tone for the rest of your day.

Here’s how to apply the Swallow the Frog method:

Identify Your Frog: Determine the task that is most critical and often most tempting to procrastinate on. This is your “frog.”

Start Early: Begin your day by working on your frog. Your willpower and focus are typically at their peak in the morning, making it the ideal time to tackle challenging tasks.

Avoid Multitasking: Concentrate solely on your frog. Don’t switch between tasks, as this can lead to decreased efficiency and increased procrastination.

Celebrate Small Wins: Once you’ve completed your frog, acknowledge your achievement. Reward yourself with a short break or a small treat. This positive reinforcement can boost motivation.

Continue with Your Task List: With your most challenging task out of the way, the rest of your tasks will feel more manageable. Proceed with your to-do list, and you’ll find that your day flows more smoothly.

Incorporating the Swallow the Frog method into your routine can be a powerful way to combat procrastination and enhance productivity. We find it helpful and often as a team we help each other identify the frog at the start of the day.

In conclusion, #FightProcrastinationDay serves as a reminder to take control of our tasks, we encourage you to use this day especially website-related work that can easily fall victim to procrastination.

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