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Exploring Alternatives to GA4: European Countries Leading the Way

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced by the European Union in 2018 has significantly influenced data privacy regulations worldwide. As part of ensuring compliance with GDPR, many European countries have taken a critical stance on data collection practices, leading some to ban or restrict the usage of certain analytics tools.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the latest iteration of Google’s analytics platform, has faced scrutiny due to its data collection practices. This article aims to explore alternative analytics solutions and highlight European countries that have banned or restricted GA4, shedding light on their reasons for doing so.

Matomo (formerly Piwik):

One popular alternative to GA4 is Matomo, an open-source web analytics platform that puts data privacy in the hands of website owners. Matomo allows users to host and control their analytics data, providing complete transparency and compliance with GDPR regulations. Unlike GA4, Matomo does not rely on third-party data sharing, ensuring that data remains within the control of the website owner or organisation.


  • Data Privacy: Matomo allows website owners to host and control their analytics data, ensuring that sensitive information remains within their control. This aligns with the principles of GDPR and provides users with greater transparency and control over their data.
  • Customisation: Matomo offers a high level of customisation, allowing businesses to tailor the analytics platform to their specific needs. This flexibility enables organizations to track and analyse data in a way that suits their unique requirements.
  • Open-Source: Being an open-source platform, Matomo provides the advantage of transparency and community-driven development. This allows for frequent updates, security enhancements, and a collaborative environment for troubleshooting and innovation.


  • Technical Expertise: Implementing and managing Matomo may require some technical expertise, particularly for self-hosted deployments. Organisations may need to allocate resources or seek assistance to set up and maintain the platform effectively.
  • Cost: While the basic version of Matomo is free, additional features and services may come at a cost. For businesses requiring advanced analytics capabilities or professional support, there may be associated expenses.

AT Internet:

AT Internet is a French analytics solution that has gained traction as a GDPR-compliant alternative to GA4. With a strong focus on privacy and data protection, AT Internet offers detailed analytics while respecting user consent and privacy preferences. By providing features such as consent management and granular data control, AT Internet allows businesses to navigate the complex data privacy landscape effectively.


  • GDPR Compliance: AT Internet places a strong emphasis on data privacy and compliance with GDPR regulations. The platform provides features such as consent management, enabling businesses to obtain and manage user consent effectively.
  • User-Centric Approach: AT Internet’s focus on user consent and privacy preferences ensures that data collection respects individual rights and aligns with user expectations. This can contribute to building trust and maintaining positive user experiences.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: AT Internet offers a wide range of analytics features, including real-time monitoring, cross-device tracking, and customisable dashboards. These capabilities enable businesses to derive valuable insights and make informed decisions.


  • Limited Market Share: AT Internet may have a smaller market presence compared to larger analytics providers like GA4. As a result, some integration options or pre-built connectors to other marketing platforms and tools may be more limited.
  • Learning Curve: Like any analytics tool, becoming proficient in using AT Internet may require some learning and training. Businesses may need to invest time and resources to fully leverage its features and functionalities.


Matik is a privacy-focused analytics platform that offers an alternative to GA4 while prioritising data protection and compliance. Developed by a European company, Matik provides robust analytics capabilities without compromising user privacy.


  • Privacy-First Approach: Matik is designed with a strong focus on privacy and data protection. It employs anonymisation techniques and data aggregation to ensure the anonymity of individual users while still providing valuable insights.
  • Consent Management: Matik includes built-in consent management features that allow businesses to obtain and manage user consent effectively. This ensures compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR.
  • Actionable Analytics: Matik provides actionable analytics through customisable dashboards, real-time monitoring, and advanced reporting features. This enables businesses to derive meaningful insights and make informed decisions based on their data.


  • Market Presence: Matik may have a relatively smaller market presence compared to more widely recognised analytics platforms. Integration options with other marketing tools and platforms may be more limited, depending on specific business requirements.
  • Adoption and Learning: As with any new analytics tool, adopting Matik may require a learning curve for businesses and their teams. Training and familiarization with the platform’s features and functionalities may be necessary.

Countries that have Banned or Restricted GA4:

Germany: Germany, known for its stringent data protection laws, has expressed concerns about GA4’s data collection practices. The country’s Federal Data Protection Commissioner expressed reservations regarding the extensive tracking capabilities and data sharing inherent in GA4. As a result, some German businesses and organisations have shifted to alternative analytics solutions to ensure compliance with local regulations.

France: France has been at the forefront of data protection regulations, enforcing strict compliance measures. Concerns regarding GA4’s data collection, including user identification and tracking, led the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) to scrutinise Google’s practices. While not explicitly banning GA4, France has emphasised the importance of obtaining user consent and providing transparent information about data collection.

Netherlands: The Netherlands has a strong focus on privacy protection, with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) playing a vital role in enforcing data privacy regulations. The authority has expressed concerns about GA4’s compliance with GDPR, especially in terms of user consent and data sharing. As a result, Dutch businesses have explored alternative analytics tools that align more closely with local regulations.

The increasing emphasis on data privacy and protection has led European countries to scrutinise analytics tools such as GA4. This scrutiny has prompted businesses and organisations to explore alternative solutions that prioritise user consent, data control, and compliance with local regulations. Analytics platforms like Matomo, AT Internet, and Matik offer robust alternatives that address privacy concerns while still enabling businesses to gain valuable insights from their data. As Europe continues to champion data protection, it is likely that more countries will carefully evaluate analytics tools and encourage the adoption of privacy-centric alternatives.

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